DCS Broken Wake Turbulence

Currently, we have "wake turbulence" disabled on our server.
I would love for this to be re-enabled one day, as it creates a more dynamic flying experience for us all in the sim. But I totally understand the reasoning as to why its disabled - as ED has overpowered the turbulence to the point of being a serious safety issue in phases of flight where it should be no-factor.

I am curious if there is a way to convince ED to re-visit this core element of their sim, and decrease the turbulence effects a bit.


But note that the turbulence is not weakened whatsoever once closer to the ground.

The vortexes should've been basically demolished on contact with ground effect.

My personal observations, combined discussing this with others, is that the turbulence itself needs some sort of "damper" once closer to the ground. Currently it is not effected at all by any sort of dynamic ground effect, and this is why you feel your aircraft rocking around while at parking - when aircraft are flying 1-3k ft above...

If the wake turbulence could be slightly decreased from all angles, and then dampened with ground effect... it may be "doable" to once again add it into the sim experience in our server. Of course nothing will ever be perfect, but I have chocked it up as a "DCSism of flight" and added it to the list of things that over time to plan for. Especially in a smaller bird like the Viper, where launches or recoveries in trail of multiple other aircraft... wing dips can get sketchy... real quick.

If only we could come up with a plausible bug report to get EDs attention with this.