Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR)
A METAR is a codified observation message indicating an airfield weather conditions observed at a given time. Such a message is established every hour.Example:
METAR | KRNO | 210056Z | 05012KT | 10SM | SN | BKN050 | 02/M08 | A3016 | RMK AO2 SLP228 | T00221083 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
1. Message Type
- METAR: routine weather report
- SPECI: special weather report, triggered by a weather change
- AUTO will be first item for ASOS/AWOS generated reports
2. ICAO Identifier (4-letter)
3. Issuance Time DDHHMMz (UTC)
4. Wind
- First 3 digits: True Wind direction or average if variable (VRB).
- Next 2 digits: Mean speed and units
- KT=knots, KMH=kilometers/hour, MPS=meters/second
- G (gust) as needed – 2 or 3 digit maximum speed
- Calm will be indicated by 00000KT
5. Horizontal Visibility
- Prevailing Visibility (PV)
- Statue miles (SM) and fractions (US & Canada only) or,
- 4 digit minimum visibility in meters, and,
- Lowest value and direction, as required (shown as a remark)
- Runway Visual Range (RVR)
- R: Runway Designator, L/R/C as needed, “/”
- 4 digit value (feet/meters)
- V (variability) with tendency U/D/N (up/down/no change)
6. Present Weather (Constructed sequentially):
- Intensity
- Descriptor
- Precipitation (Dominant type is listed first if more than one type reported)
- Obscuration
- Other
Qualifier | Weather Phenomena | ||||||||
Intensity or Proximity | Descriptor | Precipitation | Obscuration | Other | |||||
– | Light | BC | Patches | DZ | Drizzle | BR | Mist (1) | DS | Duststorm |
BL | Blowing (2) | GR | Hail (3) | DU | Widespread Dust | ||||
No qualifier | Moderate | DR | Low Drifting (4) | GS | Small Hail and/or snow pellets (5) | FG | Fog (6) | FC | Funnel Clouds |
FZ | Freezing | IC | Ice Crystals | FU | Smoke | PO | Dust/Sand Whirls | ||
+ | Heavy | MI | Shallow | PL | Ice Pellets | HZ | Haze | SQ | Squall(s) |
PR | Partial | RA | Rain | SA | Sand | ||||
VC | Vicinity (7) | SH | Shower(s) | SG | Snow Grains | VA | Volcanic Ash | SS | Sandstorm |
TS | Thunderstorm | SN | Snow | ||||||
| UP | Unknown Precipitation |
7. Sky Cover
- Cloud Description
- Amount in eights (octas)
- SKC=Sky Clear (clear below 12,000 for ASOS/AWOS)
- NSC=No significant clouds
- FEW=Few (1/8 to 2/8 sky cover)
- SCT=Scattered (3/8 to 4/8 sky cover)
- BKN=Broken (5/8 to 7/8 sky cover)
- OVC=Overcast (8/8 sky cover)
8. Temperature/Dewpoint (whole °C) (preceded by M=minus)
- First 2 digits = temperature
- Second 2 digits = dewpoint
9. Altimeter setting (QNH) and indicator (A=InHg, Q=hPa)
10. Supplementary Information
- RE = Recent weather followed by weather codes
- WS = Windshear, followed by:
- TKOF/LDG (takeoff/landing)
- RWY (2 digits runway identifier and designator L/R/C)
- RMK = Remark
- SLP = Sea Level Pressure
- T00221083 (Expanded temp/dewpoint)
- 1st, 5th digits: 0=plus, 1=minus
- 2nd-4th digits: temp (decimal missing) (02.2)
- 6th-8th digits: dewpoint (decimal missing) (-8.3)
11. Trend Forecast (2 hours from time of observation) (Not used in US)
METAR /TAF Abbreviations / Cloud Types
A | Hail | AMOS | Automatic Meteorological observing system | |
ABM | Abeam | |||
ABV | Above | AMS | Air mass | |
AC | Altocumulus | ANLYS | Analysis | |
ACCAS | Altocumulus castellanus | AO1 | Automated observation with no precip discriminator (rain/snow) | |
ACCUM | Altocumulate | |||
ACLD | Above clouds | AO2 | Automated observation with precip discriminator (rain/snow) | |
ACSL | Standing lenticular altocumulus | |||
ACTV | Active | AOA | At or above | |
ACYC | Anticyclonic | AOB | At or below | |
ADDN | Addition | AP | Anomalous propagation | |
ADRNDCK | Adirondack | APCH | Approach | |
ADVCTN | Advection | APRNT | Apparent | |
ADVY | Advisory | AS | Altostratus | |
AFDK | After Dark | ASOS | Automated surface observing system | |
AFT | After | ATLC | Atlantic | |
AFTN | Afternoon | ATTM | At this time | |
AGL | Above Ground Level | AURBO | Aurora Borealis | |
AGN | Again | AUTOB | Automatic weather reporting system | |
AHD | Ahead | AWOS | Automatic weather observing system | |
AIREP | Air Report | B | Beginning of precipitation (time in minutes (wx reports only) | |
AIRMET | Airmen’s Meteorological Info | |||
ALF | Aloft | BACLIN | Baroclinic prognosis | |
ALG | Along | BATROP | Barotropic or barotropic prognosis | |
ALGHNY | Allegheny | BC | British Columbia | |
ALQDS | All quadrants | BCFG | Fog patches | |
ALSTG | Altimeter setting | BCKG | Backing | |
ALTA | Alberta | BCM(G) | Become (becoming) | |
ALUTN | Alleutian | BD | Blowing dust (wx reports only) | |
AMD | Amended forecast | BFDK | Before dark | |
AMDT | Amendment | BINOVC | Breaks in overcast |
BKN | Broken | CLD | Cloud | |
BLDUP | Build up | CLR | Clear | |
BLKHLS | Black Hills | CAS | Clear and smooth | |
BLO | Below | CNL | Cancel | |
BN | Blowing sand (wx reports only) | CNDN | Canadian | |
BNDRY | Boundary | CNTRL | Central | |
BOVC | Base of overcast | CNVG | Converge | |
BRAF | Braking action fair | CNVTV | Convective | |
BRAG | Braking action good | CONT-DVD | Continental Divide | |
BRAN | Braking action nil | CONTRAILS | Condensation trails | |
BRAP | Braking action poor | CS | Cirrostratus | |
BRF | Brief | CST | Coast | |
BRKSHR | Berkshire | CTGY | Category | |
BS | Blowing snow (wx reports only) | CTSKLS | Catskills | |
BTWN | Between | CU | Cumulus | |
BY | Blowing spray (wx reports only) | CUF | Cumuliform | |
CA | Clear above (PIREP only) | CUFRA | Cumulus fractus | |
CAN | Canada | CYC | Cyclonic | |
CARIB | Caribbean | CYCLGN | Cyclogenesis | |
CASCDS | Cascades | D | Dust (wx reports only) | |
CAVOK | Ceiling and visibility OK | DABRK | Daybreak | |
CAVU | Ceiling and visibility unlimited | DALGT | Daylight | |
CB | Cumulonimbus | DCAVU | Clear or scattered cloud and vis greater than 10, remainder or report missing (wx reports only) | |
CBMAM | Cumulonimbus mammatus | |||
CC | Cirrocumulus | |||
CCSL | Standing lenticular cirrocumulus | DCR | Decreased | |
CDFNT | Cold Front | DIAM | Diameter | |
CFP | Cold front passage | DKTS | Dakotas | |
CHC | Chance | DMSH | Diminish | |
CHSPK | Chesapeake | DNS | Dense | |
CIG | Ceiling | DNSLP | Downslope |
DNSTRM | Downstream | FLG | Falling | |
DP | Deep | FLRY | Flurry | |
DPNG | Deepening | FNT | Front | |
DPTH | Depth | FNTGNS | Frontogenesis | |
DRFT | Drift | FNTLYS | Frontolysis | |
DRZL | Drizzle | FORNN | Forenoon | |
DSIPT | Dissipate | FRMG | Forming | |
DSNT | Distant | FROPA | Frontal passage | |
DTRT | Deteriorate | FRST | Frost | |
DRG | During | FRZ | Freeze | |
DWNDFTS | Downdrafts | FRZLVL | Freezing level | |
DWPNT | Dew point | FRZN | Frozen | |
E | Ending of precipitation (time in minutes)(wx reports only) | FZRANO | Freezing rain sensor not operating | |
FT | Terminal Forecast | |||
E | Equatorial (air mass) | G | Gusts reaching (knots)(wx reports only) | |
E | Estimated (wx reports only) | GF | Ground fog (wx reports only) | |
ELNGT | Elongate | GFDEP | Ground fog estimated (feet) deep | |
EMBDD | Embedded | GICG | Glaze icing | |
ENRT | Enroute | GLFALSK | Gulf of Alaska | |
ENTR | Entire | GLFCAL | Gulf of California | |
ERY | Early | CLFMEX | Gulf of Mexico | |
EVE | Evening | GLFSTLAWR | Gulf of St. Lawrence | |
EXCP | Except | GNDFG | Ground Fog | |
EXPC | Expect | GRAD | Gradient | |
EXTRM | Extreme | GRTLKS | Great Lakes | |
F | Fog (wx reports only) | GSTS | Gusts | |
FA | Area Forecast | GSTY | Gusty | |
FAH | Farenheit | H | Haze (wx reports only) | |
FAX | Facsimile | HCVIS | High clouds visible | |
FIBI | Filed but impracticable to transmit | HDEP | Haze layer estimated (feet) deep | |
FINO | Wx report will not be filed for transmission | HDSVLY | Hudson Valley |
HI | High | LABRDR | Labrador | |
HLSTO | Hailstones | LFT | Lift | |
HLYR | Haze layer aloft | LGT | Light | |
HURCN | Hurricane | LIFR | Low IFR (wx reports only) | |
HVY | Heavy | LK | Lake | |
IC | Ice crystal | LSR | Loose snow on runway | |
ICG | Icing | LST | Local Standard Time | |
ICGIC | Icing in clouds | LTGCA | Lightning cloud to air | |
ICGICIP | Icing in clouds and precipitation | LTGCC | Lightning cloud to cloud | |
ICGIP | Icing in precipitation | LTGCCCG | Lightning cloud to cloud, cloud to ground | |
IF | Ice fog | LTGCG | Lightning cloud to ground | |
IFR | Instrument flight rules | LTGCW | Lightning cloud to water | |
INCR | Increase | LTGIC | Lightning in clouds | |
INDC | Indicate | LTLCG | Little change | |
INDEF | Indefinite | LTNG | Lightning | |
INLD | Inland | LYR | Layer or layered or layers | |
INSTBY | Instability | M | Measured ceiling (wx reports only) | |
INTR | Interior | M | Missing (wx reports only) | |
INTR-MTRGN | Inter-mountain region | MAN | Manitoba | |
INTS | Intense | MDT | Moderate | |
INTST | Intensity | METAR | Scheduled aviation observation | |
INVRN | Inversion | MEX | Mexico | |
IOVC | In overcast | MHKVLY | Mohawk Valley | |
IP | Ice pellets (wx reports only) | MIDN | Midnight | |
IR | Ice on runway | MIFG | Patches of shallow fog not deeper than 2 meters | |
JTSTR | Jetstream | MLTLVL | Melting level | |
K | Smoke | MNLD | Mainland | |
KDEP | Smoke layer estimated (feet) deep | MOGR | Moderate or greater | |
KLYR | Smoke layer aloft | MOV | Move | |
KOCTY | Smoke over city | MRGL | Marginal | |
L | Drizzle (wx reports only) | MRNG | Morning |
MRTM | Maritime | PGTSND | Puget Sound | |
MSTLY | Mostly | PIBAL | Pilot balloon observation | |
MTN | Mountain | PK WND | Peak wind (wx report only) | |
MVFR | Marginal VFR | PNHDL | Panhandle | |
NB | New Brunswick | PNO | Rain gauge not operating | |
NEW ENG | New England | PPINA | Radar weather report not available or omitted | |
NFLD | Newfoundland | |||
NGT | Night | PPINE | Radar weather report no echoes observed | |
NOSPL | No special observations taken (wx reports only) | PPINO | Radar weather report equipment inoperative due to breakdown | |
NS | Nimbostratus | PPIOK | Radar weather report equipment operation resumed | |
NS | Nova Scotia | |||
NVA | Negative vorticity advection | PPIOM | Radar weather report equipment inoperative due to maintenance | |
OBS | Observation | |||
OBSC | Obscure | PRBLTY | Probability | |
OCFNT | Occluded front | PRESFR | Pressure falling rapidly | |
OCLD | Occlude | PRESRR | Pressure rising rapidly | |
OCLN | Occlusion | PRJMP | Pressure jump (wx reports only) | |
OFP | Occluded frontal passage | PROG | Prognosis or prognostic | |
OFSHR | Offshore | PSR | Packed snow on runway | |
OMTNS | Over mountains | PTCHY | Patchy | |
ONSHR | On shore | PTLY | Partly | |
ONT | Ontario | PVA | Positive vorticity advection | |
ORGPHC | Orographic | PWINO | Precipitaion identifier information not available (wx reports only) | |
OTAS | On top and smooth | Q | Squall (wx reports only) | |
OTLK | Outlook | QSTNRY | Quasistationary | |
OVC | Overcast | QUE | Quebec | |
OVR | Over | R | Rain (wx reports only) | |
PAC | Pacific | RADAT | Radiosonde observation data | |
PCPN | Precipitation | RAOB | Radiosonde observation | |
PDW | Priority Delayed Weather | RCKY | Rocky Mountains | |
PEN | Peninsula | RDG | Ridge |
RGD | Ragged | TDWR | Terminal Doppler Weather Radar | |
RHINO | Radar echo height information not available | TEMP | Temperature | |
RHINO | Radar range height indicator not operating on scan | THDR | Thunder | |
RIOGD | Rio Grande | THRU | Through | |
RNFL | Rainfall | THRUT | Throughout | |
ROBEPS | Radar operating below prescribed standard | THSD | Thousand | |
RPD | Rapid | TIL | Until | |
RSG | Rising | TMW | Tomorrow | |
RUF | Rough | TNGT | Tonight | |
RVRNO | Runway visual range missing | TOP | Cloud top | |
RW | Rain shower (wx reports only) | TOVC | Top of overcast | |
S | Snow (wx reports only) | TPG | Topping | |
SASK | Saskatchewan | TROF | Trough | |
SAWRN | Supplementary Aviation Weather Reporting System | TROP | Tropopause | |
SC | Stratocumulus | TRPCL | Tropical | |
SCSL | Stratocumulus standing lenticular | TRRN | Terrain | |
SCT | Scattered | TSHWR | Thundershower | |
SELS | Severe local storms | TSNO | Lightning sensor not available | |
SFERICS | Atmospherics | TSTM | Thunderstorm | |
SG | Snow grains (wx reports only) | TURB | Turbulence | |
SHFT | Shift (wx reports only) | TURBC | Turbulence | |
SHLW | Shallow | TWD | Toward | |
SHWR | Shower | TWR | Tower | |
SIERNEV | Sierra Nevada | TWRG | Towering | |
SIR | Snow and ice on runway | TYPH | Typhoon | |
SPECI | Unscheduled aviation observation | U | Intensity unknown (wx reports only) | |
SLF | Sea level pressure | UA | Routine PIREP | |
SLPNO | Sea level pressure not available | UDDF | Up and down drafts | |
SNINCR | Snow increasing rapidly | UNSTBL | Unstable | |
TCU | Towering cumulus | UNSTDY | Unsteady | |
TDA | Today | UPR | Upper |
UTC | Universal coordinated time | WND | Wind | |
UUA | Urgent PIREP | WRM | Warm | |
V | Variable (wx reports only) | WRMFNT | Warm front | |
VCSH | Showers in vicinity | WRNG | Warning | |
VCTY | Vicinity | WSHFT | Wind shift | |
VFR | Visual flight rules | WW | Severe weather forecast | |
VLY | Valley | WX | Weather | |
VRBL | Variable | X | Obscured sky condition | |
VSBY | Visibility | XCP | Except | |
WDLY | Widely | YDA | Yesterday | |
WEA | Weather | Z | UTC | |
WFP | Warm front passage | ZRNO | Freezing rain information not available (wx reports only) | |
WK | Weak | |||
WKN | Weaken | |||
WL | Will |