Martini says cheers!

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Central Florida
Hello! Another oldish guy here but very much young at heart... still playing in a rock band. Real time pilot, been simming off and on for ages. Last 10 years I've been back and forth with Xplane, DCS, and now MSFS for the last couple years., but now DCS is pulling be back. I have the A10C II and the F16 modules. I have to decide which one and get back up to speed but the last time I was doing DCS I sold my TM Warthog setup for a KB Gladiator stick (was doing F16 formation flying at the time). Anyone flying the Warthog with a VKB stick?
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Welcome to our little corner of the DCS community M Martini . Feel free to hangout and get to know us! I currently am rocking the trusty old Warthog stick and throttle. The plan is eventually to look into the Realsim FFB stick and potentially one of the F16 throttles. Still on the fence about the Winwing variant. Where do they have you flying currently real world?
Last seen

Central Florida
Right now I am not current. I used to own a Beech Sundowner and my wife and I flew that thing all over the country. Not sure if I'll ever get back because of an issue with one of my eyes so all my flying is virtual these days.
Right on. Yeah I guess such is life with the eyes, I know mine have degraded a bit over the last couple years too… must be getting old 😂 thankful to still have the DCS sim environment to keep the flight line memories “alive”.