v303 FG - Website Morale Features

(Click to open presentation)

All, created this quick presentation to ensure you aware of the awesome Morale Features that we have worked hard this past 6 months to innovate and provide here within the v303 FG!

Our purpose:
• Maintain positive comradery and innovative personalization features to maintain the v303 FG as the worlds greatest virtual fighter group (you won't find a hobby home like this anywhere else!!)
• Open the doors for custom requests of tailored noseart, signatures, profile pictures, graphics, and pride in their Virtual FS
• Show off and enhance the public view of our members creativity, craftmanship, and enjoyment in this hobby group!

Some morale features include:
• Livery Requests
• Patch Requests
• Signature Graphic Requests
• Profile Pictures/Avatars Requests
• Shadowbox Updates
• Nametape Updates
• Helmet Decal Requests
• Noseart Requests
• Misc. Requests
• PUBS documentation, graphics, and ACMI
• Virtual Flight Bag
• Personnel Service Records and Awards
• Media Gallery
• Flight Log Stat Tracker
• Custom Tailored Avatar Borders (similar to Steam)
• Custom User Profiles see https://www.v303rdfightergroup.com/index.php?threads/member-profile-stylization.1073/post-2691 for more info
• And much more...



  • v303 FG - Website Morale Features.pdf
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