On behalf of the v303 FG and v93 FS Command please welcome
Crash as the newest member flying the F-16C in the v303 Fighter Group. He is a real world Air Traffic Controller providing service to both civilian and military aircrews.
Fairly new to the flight simulation hobby, (about 1 year of experience so far), and really looks forward to investing some time within the v303 FG to become more proficient in the F-16 and utilize the knowledge and experience other squadron members have.
Been nice having you on the Discord over the past couple months, And we look forward to have you part of our hobby family. This group is what you make of it! So feel free to dive right in v303rdFG. Feel free to post an introduction here: https://www.v303rdfightergroup.com/index.php?forums/introductions.4/
Welcome! v303rdFG

Fairly new to the flight simulation hobby, (about 1 year of experience so far), and really looks forward to investing some time within the v303 FG to become more proficient in the F-16 and utilize the knowledge and experience other squadron members have.
Been nice having you on the Discord over the past couple months, And we look forward to have you part of our hobby family. This group is what you make of it! So feel free to dive right in v303rdFG. Feel free to post an introduction here: https://www.v303rdfightergroup.com/index.php?forums/introductions.4/
Welcome! v303rdFG