On behalf of the v303 FG and v93 FS Command please welcome
SWAB as the newest member flying the F-16C in the v303 Fighter Group. He is currently serving as an Active Duty USAF MQ-9 Sensor Operator. Well versed with sensor operator ops over the NTTR.
Brand new to the study-sim side of the DCS flight hobby. But feels like this experience will help him in the long run with learning more about aviation and eventually his dream of being fixed-wing jet aircrew.
Nice having you onboard, glad we could reconnect again! And we look forward to have you part of our hobby family. This group is what you make of it! So feel free to dive right in v303rdFG.
His introduction is posted here: https://www.v303rdfightergroup.com/index.php?threads/whats-up.664/#post-1691

Brand new to the study-sim side of the DCS flight hobby. But feels like this experience will help him in the long run with learning more about aviation and eventually his dream of being fixed-wing jet aircrew.
Nice having you onboard, glad we could reconnect again! And we look forward to have you part of our hobby family. This group is what you make of it! So feel free to dive right in v303rdFG.
His introduction is posted here: https://www.v303rdfightergroup.com/index.php?threads/whats-up.664/#post-1691
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